19% of the population (65+) of Cumming, GA are seniors. 25% are 60+
34% of those seniors living in Cumming, GA are living alone.
8% of Cumming senior households have an annual income of less than $10k and 36% less than $20k.
28% of Cumming, GA residents 60 and over received food stamps in the last year.
The average Social Security Income in Cumming is $16,985/year.
The median household income for a Cumming senior is $27,075.
17% of the seniors in Cumming are veterans.
Source: Census.gov

Donate Time
We can’t do what we do without our gracious volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering your time to help build and restore or plant flowers for our Bloom Where You Plant program, please contact us.
Donate Money
Your generous gifts go toward materials needed to make repairs of all sizes to our customers’ homes. A donation of just $100 can help purchase lumber to build a much-needed wheelchair ramp. Some of the repairs can cost thousands of dollars. Your donation can help us help our elderly population live in safe, secure homes.
Please click here to make your tax-deductible donation.

Donate a Vehicle
We have partnered with CARS to allow individuals to donate their cars, vans, and trucks to benefit our mission. This is a great way to not only get rid of an old or extra vehicle, but also receive significant tax savings. Turn your vehicle into resources that can help individuals and families receive necessary home repairs that they otherwise would not be able to afford.
Donating a vehicle:
skips the costs and hassles associated with selling a car, like paying for advertising and insurance, or for car repairs.
avoids the costs associated with keep a car, such as registration, insurance and car repairs.
free up space at home and/or stop paying for extra parking.
is tax-deductible and you could reduce your taxable income when taxes are itemized.
If you are interested in donating a vehicle, please click here to contact us!

Donate Resources
If you know of someone who would like to become a partner with Helping the Elderly, please contact us. We are always in need of supplies to help sustain us in our ministry.
Please click here if you would like to donate supplies for our mission.
"To look after orphans and widows in their distress"
James 1:27